KOURI, Yamil
KOURI, Yamil
Active member
Lexington, MA 02421 USA
Society membership and principal philatelic positions held

Vice President of American Philatelic Society and World Stamp Show Boston 2026.
Member of the Board of Real Academia hispánica de filatelia e historia postal,
Federación inter-americana de filatelia, Cardinal Spellman Museum of stamps and postal history.
National and FIP Jury member.

Collections and philatelic interests

Spain and its colonies.
British, French and German maritime mail.
Spanish-American War.

International awards
Several FIP Large Gold medals.
2019 Champion of Champions Award
The postal history of Spanish New Orleans, 2004. Entre palmitos y palmas reales: la correspondencia por vapores
subvencionados entre Cuba y la costa atlántica del sur de los Estados Unidos, 2010.
From Indian trails to the birth of a nation. Mail in present day territories of the United States, 2014.
Under Three Flags - The Postal History of the Spanish-Cuban/American War (1895-1898), 2015.
Spoken languages
Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Italian.
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