MORENO, José Ramón
MORENO, José Ramón
Active member
41013 Sevilla Spain
Society membership and principal philatelic positions held

President of the Federation of European Philatelic Associations. Former AEP Board member.
Real Academia hispánica de filatelia e historia postal.
FIP Jury member for thematic philately and literature.

Collections and philatelic interests

Postal history, literature, thematic sport.

International awards
Olimphilex 92, Panamphilex (La Habana), Lagos 94, Grand Prix.
Medal of the Union of Bulgarian philatelists 2009.
Gold medal for philatelic merit from the Spanish Government 2011.
Portugal, Ordem de Mérito Filatélico 2012.
Fabergé medal from the Russian Philatelic Academy 2013.
Research on the thematic field, 2002.
Filatélia tématica: analisis e investigación, 2013.
Fepa Magazine, editor.
Spoken languages
Spanish, Italian, French, English.
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