GUGLIELMINETTI, PaoloFRPSLActive member 00153 Roma Ostiense Italy |
Society membership and principal philatelic positions heldItalian Federation of Philatelic Societies, member of the Board. Collections and philatelic interestsThematic: Fear runs over the tracks. The unfinished network - History of African railways. International awardsEssen 2012, Brasiliana 2013, Essen 2015, Large Gold.Stockholmia 2019, Gold. Romafil 2011, National Grand Prix. Sindelfingen 2012, Silver Posthorn. PublicationsAnnulli speciali italiani 1871-1920 (with Italo Robetti), 2003.Annulli speciali italiani 1871-1946 (with Maurizio Tecardi), 2009. Le tariffe postali nelle collezioni tematiche, 2016. Spoken languagesItalian, French, English, German, Spanish. |