Active member
Westfields, NJ 07090-7074 USA
Society membership and principal philatelic positions held

Former President of the Collectors Club New York.
Académie de philatélie (France), associate member.

Collections and philatelic interests

Postal history of Guadeloupe.
Postal history with French colonial Group type issues.
Philatelic and international mail order fraud.

International awards
Washington 2006, Grand Prix d’honneur.
Nojex 1982, 2001, Rompex 1983, National 1987, Philadelphia 1993, Balpex 1998, 2002, Grand Prix.
London 2000, Belgica 2001, Philanippon 2001, Philakorea 2002, Large Gold.
Luff medal2014.
Spoken languages
English, French, German.
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The AEP is not liable for the content of the CVs. The AEP simply publishes what every member sends, without verifying the truth or accuracy thereof.